Friday, April 1, 2011

Handball School Tour to Griffith Primary

HODs & Teachers, please send us an email at if you need our assistance to conduct a Handball Tour for your students!

On 12th march 2011, we were warmly welcomed by students from Griffiths primary school. As the school was having sports carnival on that day, the young children were in high spirits. At the start of the introductory presentation, i asked a very simple question. " Who knows about handball ? " Many raised up their hands and attempted to answer, but most only had a vague idea. It was indeed heartening to see that curiosity for the sport rose as the presentation progressed, especially after a morning full of activities for the children. We are also delighted by some of the witty responses from our young volunteers on stage throughout our interactive presentation.

Demonstrations were also shown to the children and the volunteers we have called upon were able to grasp the understanding of the most basic rule of handball - the 3-step rule. They were very enthusiastic in volunteering for basic passing and shooting demonstrations on stage, and they've definitely done a good job showing their peers how handball is a game which is easy to pick up. Towards the end of the presentation, we believe that the children were able to understand how handball is being played. We then concluded with a quiz session, which was again greeted with exuberance and intelligent answers reflecting a good grasp of the basic rules of handball.

We would like to extend our thanks to the teachers of Griffths Primary School, who have been the most accommodating, encouraging and helpful in coordinating the session. We also hope that we have sparked off interest in the students in Handball and they would contribute to the vibrancy of the Handball scene in Singapore.

Contributed by
Kai Lin & Kayan
Course Participants from IHF-HFS National Coaching Certification 2010

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