Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1st NCAP Level 1 (Technical) Handball Coaching Course

The Handball Federation of Singapore is organising its first NCAP Level 1 Technical Coaching Course for all educators, sports coaches and handball players who aspires to share the passion for the game. The details are as follows -
Dates: 28th, 29th and 30th November 2011
Time: 8am - 5pm (for all days)
Venue: North Vista Secondary School
Course Fees: $350

Do respond early (by 16th November 2011) as participants are accepted on a first-come-first-served
basis, after our office has received your form along with a cheque for the course fees. Do note that
this is the Technical component of the Handball Level 1 NCAP course, and you will need to obtain
the Level 1 NCAP Theory course organised by the Singapore Sports Council to be certified as a
NCAP Level 1 coach.

We look forward to your participation, and if you have any queries, do email info@hfs.org.sg.

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